Disk inventory x for pc
Disk inventory x for pc

disk inventory x for pc

Tips: As a side note, if you are working to get your girls interested in technology introduce them to iJustine…she will have them amped on technology in no time! 🙂 If you don’t have tech support that re-images your classroom computers, go ahead and run Disk Inventory X on them too. Clean your computers up for a fresh start in August. Take a little time to free up your computer before the end of the school year. How to integrate Disk Inventory X into the classroom:

#Disk inventory x for pc for free

To install More Disk Space on your Windows PC or Mac computer, you will need to download and install the WINDOWS PC APP for free from.

disk inventory x for pc

The cost of this awesome little goody? Absolutely free! How to download and install More Disk Space on your PC and Mac. Disk Inventory X gives detailed search results and you can delete files directly using the program…it updates live so you can see your disk space free up right before your eyes. Disk Inventory X helps solve the mystery of where all of your disk space has gone. Disk Inventory X is a disk usage utility for Mac OS X (sorry PC users, I am sure something similar exists) It shows the sizes of files and folders in “treemaps” (a graphical representation). This week I learned about an awesome tool to help me speed things up from iJustine over at Tasty Blog Snack. Normally I spend days sorting through all of the folders trying to find the culprits of my slow down and save them to disk or trash them all together. I have downloaded hundreds of open source applications to try, pictures, fonts, and videos to my machine and I have created HUGE files of tutorials, videos, and lessons for my students. I always know when summer is approaching because my machine starts to run slower. I don’t know about you but things are also slowing down on the computer front toward the end of the school year too. What it is: Summer is approaching and things are winding down on the school front.

Disk inventory x for pc